The Mindful Day Book Giveaway


Dear friends,

Earlier this week I wrote about my 17 hour experiment in paying attention. Instead of being on autopilot, I made a real effort to have a mindful day. Keeping with the topic of mindfulness, I’d like to share one of my favorite books with you.

The Mindful Day: Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm, and Joy From Morning to Evening by Laurie J. Cameron is a guide in how to slow down and be more present during every moment of the day. 

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The Beautiful Gift We Give By Not Comparing


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt This week I’ve been percolating about what happens when we weigh one person’s attributes against another’s. Every day we see examples of people being compared to others. Media outlets analyze the differences between Venus and Serena Williams’ achievements. Reviewers debate the acting performances of Josh Brolin … Read more

Wisconsin State Fair Cream Puffs and Other Treats

Wisconsin cream puffs
Wisconsin cream puffs

Dear friends,

Here are 7 Good Things I’ve been exploring recently:

1. I learned from NPR that when attending the Wisconsin State Fair, one must try their signature giant cream puffs. My sister-in-law in Milwaukee confirmed that, indeed, the crispy, fist-sized puffs filled with sweetened whipped cream are legendary. Until we can visit, I’m going to try Shirley’s Copy Cat Wisconsin State Fair Cream Puffs recipe from her delectable Anns-Liee blog.

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1 in 20 Will Say “Yes”

Nineteen No phrases and one Yes


Dear friends,

I used to sell ads in magazines for a living. The job was a lot of fun, and at times it was also very demanding.

One of the most challenging aspects was cold-calling prospects by telephone. You know that dreaded feeling you have when a telemarketer calls? Then you can imagine how most of the business owners responded when I called to talk to them about advertising.

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Welcome and Win a Weed Torch

torch performer

Dear friends,

Sometimes I really struggle with change.

When I was setting my goals for 2018 about thirteen months ago, I had no idea that I would decide to close my blog Happy Simple Living at the end of the year. But late in November, after writing 800 posts over 12 years, I began to sense that it was time for a new direction. I wrote my final farewell post on January 1.

Change can be so good, and we all know that sometimes we have to end one thing to make room for another thing. I just couldn’t have imagined the blank screen—literal and figurative—I’d face at the beginning of 2019.

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