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Could Your Wallet Use the January Money Diet?

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I launched the January Money Diet after the holidays in 2007, when I overspent and used credit cards to pay for things I couldn’t afford (including several pricey gifts for ME).  I had big money goals for the year ahead, but felt like I was starting out in the hole.

Can you relate? Could your finances use a reset? Join us for the 13th year of the January Money Diet, and you’ll learn dozens of creative ways to save money.

Two hands holding a small ceramic piggy bank

For 31 days, thousands of us from all over the world focus on spending less and learning new money skills–often with astonishing results.

“I saved 45% of my net income this January, and used the sum to pay off my yearly student loan repayment plan in full. This year I also participated in the January Money Diet with my boyfriend, and we had fun supporting each other packing lunches for work, etc. It also sparked some interesting questions regarding financial values and priorities.” – Sara, former JMD participant

During the month I’ll send you dozens of money-stretching tips to live well and have a fabulous time, including:

  • How to save money on groceries
  • The best apps to save money
  • How to budget money and save
  • Saving on utilities and the electric bill
  • Free ways to have fun
  • Decluttering and organizing
  • Creating a peaceful home
  • Enjoying simple pleasures

Some put the money saved during January in a savings or investment account, others pay off credit card bills, and we all take a breather from shopping after the holidays. 

2022 marks our 13th year doing the JMD challenge. In the past we’ve had participants from Norway, Latvia, Ireland, Canada, Austria, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. Welcome to all of you!

To join the free challenge and start your new year financially stronger, sign up here:

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I can’t wait to embark on this adventure with you. Here’s to doing amazing things together in 2022!

Eliza Cross's signature

1 thought on “Could Your Wallet Use the January Money Diet?”

  1. I don’t do face book or any other social media. I have found there is to many issues there so if it is okay I will post on your page. Giving things away. I am going though a room a day to see what all I can donate. Went though my dresser and any clothing I was not wearing because it didn’t fit went. I am now down to 3 outfits which I will wear all year because I chose not to have a clothing budget this year. I have stated that this is a year of saving and getting our lives better. I made a year worth of menu’s. I will make what I have in pantry and freezer and only allow $25 for fresh fruits and vegetables a week. Last year was bad and ended up having to use most of my saving to live. Got to get that replaced. I am in control or should I say God is in control of our household this year and we will get better, Thank you for being the beginning of my year long challenge and keep us in your prayers


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