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January Money Diet Final Checkin

Thanks for SHARING!

Dear friends,

Congratulations on completing the 2021 January Money Diet! It’s been so rewarding getting to know you and completing this challenge with you.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of your comments, ideas and photos. I hope you’ll consider the Money Diet Community a place where you can always come for support and encouragement. 

Share Your Success Story

You’re invited to share your January Money Diet results by midnight MST tonight (2/1/21) and be automatically entered to win one of three cash prizes.

Thanks to the generosity of our SUPER sponsor  and the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union campaign, this year we’re awarding CASH prizes totaling $250. (You can read the Official Rules here.)

To share your results, leave a comment on the announcement at the Money Diet Community Facebook Group or comment on this post.

I can’t wait to hear your January Money Diet experiences, and will featuring some of your testimonials on my website.

Your Opinion Matters

I have a favor to ask you. Your feedback will help me continue to improve the January Money Diet. Would you take a moment to complete a short survey about your experience?

The survey is just 5 questions and takes 2 minutes to complete.

Here’s the link:


Thank you for sharing this challenge, and I hope you’ll stay in touch and let me know about your progress.

Here’s to doing extraordinary things with our money!


Signature for Eliza Cross

P.S. Don’t forget to check out your nearest credit union for great service and excellent rates. You can find one near you using this Credit Union Finder tool

1 thought on “January Money Diet Final Checkin”

  1. Hardest month I have ever had. Husband had surgery and we are living on $850.00 a month then we have to take out $355.00 for our health insurance. So blessed we are debt free but still very hard. what can you give up when you have nothing to give up? Thank you for this challenge this month. Praying I could win some of that prize money but since I don’t go on other sites than yours I do not think I win.
    God Bless


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