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33 Ways to Improve Your Life From Home

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Working from home during the coronavirus


Dear friends,

Over the weekend, I learned that a guest at an event I had attended tested positive for coronavirus. In an abundance of caution, as they say, we were asked to self-quarantine through this Saturday. So I am homebound, content to be hunkered down with family and pets.

As we ride out this pandemic, we’ll no doubt discover both the challenges and unexpected blessings of spending a lot of time at home. Knowing you, I’m certain you’ll be caring for your neighbors and loved ones and making the best of a slower pace.

Perhaps you’re enjoying leisure activities, too – watching movies, catching up with friends, reading, walking, playing games, maybe even taking a nap.

For most of us, financial uncertainty is also a part of this extraordinary time. I’ve been researching how we can continue to take positive actions and work on personal development so that when the dust settles, we’re stronger than ever.

Here are some ideas:

33 Ways to Keep Moving Forward During a Quarantine

1. Learn a new, in-demand professional skill

2. Update your LinkedIn profile, and make new connections.

3. Earn a little extra money

4. Watch a TED talk.

5. Plan a garden. Start seeds indoors to get a jump on the season.

6. Listen to classical music, which improves brain activity and reduces anxiety and cortisol levels.

7. Say prayers.

8. Join or start a virtual Mastermind group.

9. Write 3 things you’re grateful for every day. Or start a gratitude journal.

10. Figure out your net worth and make a budget.

11. Practice yoga.

12. Begin writing your novel or memoir.

13. Share your expertise by writing a nonfiction e-book.

14. Take a free college course.

15. Or enroll in an accredited, tuition-free university.

16. Organize your computer files and delete all the unwanted photos on your phone.

17. Learn about investing and how to build a well-rounded portfolio.

18. Use the KonMari method to organize a drawer or cabinet.

19. Start a blog.

20. Take a virtual tour of a fabulous museum.

21. Pursue laughter, which decreases stress hormones, supports immune cells and increases infection-fighting antibodies.

22. Complete an unfinished project.

23. Download free e-books from your library.

24. Drink water. Staying hydrated has a major effect on brain function and energy levels

25. Plan your meals.

26. Research your genealogy.

27. Watch a short sermon about reducing anxiety.

28. Practice meditation.

29. Learn a new language, free.

30. Run the stairs.

31. Take a virtual field trip.

32. Make photo books or scrapbooks.

33. Expand your vocabulary.

How About You?

Will you share your ideas in the Comments section of this post? How are you doing during this unprecedented time? I would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences.

Take care and stay well,

Signature for Eliza Cross




P.S. If you’re worried about finances, I invite you to join the warm, welcoming Money Diet Group where we discuss and share money-saving ideas.

Note: None of the links in this article are affiliate links, and I will make zero dollars if you click on them. Click with abandon!

Grateful thanks to Roberto Nickson on Unsplash for use of the beautiful desk image above.

2 thoughts on “33 Ways to Improve Your Life From Home”

  1. I liked your ideas. What I’m doing is deep cleaning my house. I shampooed my living room carpet yesterday and the zebra runner rug, too. They were well overdue! I’m also double crocheting blankets.

    • Joy (love your name), how wonderful that you’re creating a cozy nest by deep cleaning and making soft blankets. Thank you so much for checking in, and I hope you are happy and well. xo


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