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Final Check-in for the 2020 January Money Diet

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Final checkin of the 2020 January Money Diet


Dear friends,

Congratulations on completing the 2020 January Money Diet! It’s been so rewarding to get to know you and complete this challenge with you.

Your Opinion Matters

I have a favor to ask you. Your feedback will help me continue to improve the January Money Diet. Would you

take a moment to complete a short survey about your experience?

The survey is just 5 questions and takes less than 3 minutes to complete.

As an incentive, I’m giving away a prize of $25 cash that one lucky winner can use to fund a new savings or investment account, pay down debt, or boost their net worth.

Just for fun, the winner will also receive their choice of one of my cookbooks.

To be automatically entered in the drawing, simply provide your name and email address in the optional box at the end of the survey:


If You Ever Need a Refresher

I have created a 7-day Mini Money Diet Challenge for those times when your wallet needs a quick break. You can sign up any time throughout the year here.

Share Your Success Story

I would love to hear about your January Money Diet experiences, and will featuring some of your testimonials on my website.

Each person who comments with a final update will also be entered in the prize drawing. 

Share yours in the Comments section of this post or over at the Money Diet Community Facebook Group.

Thank you for sharing this challenge, and I hope you’ll stay in touch and let me know about your progress.


Signature for Eliza Cross

2 thoughts on “Final Check-in for the 2020 January Money Diet”

  1. Sorry a little late leaving my final reply for this. I did well on the money diet. I saved enough to double what I save towards my goals. Only spent $65 on food ( fresh fruits and veggie) and used what I had in pantry. I am working on my garden plan and will be starting some seeds this week. I try so hard to save money and will continue even after I achieve my goals. There is always a new goal we are working towards and want to live a debt free live. God bless

    • Your $65 food bill is so impressive, Kimberly. Thank you for sharing your plans and participating in the January Money Diet. I wish you so much success on your wonderful goal to live debt free!


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