Hash browns, fluffy bunnies and good books

Cheesy hash brown casserole


Dear friends,

Here are 7 Good Things I’ve recently discovered:

1. Are you cooking for Easter? My daughter and I are making this Copycat Recipe of Cracker Barrel’s Hash Brown Casserole from Spend With Penny’s. Two other favorite brunch casseroles are Southern Living’s Sausage Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole and The Fresh Cooky’s Mock Eggs Benedict Bake. Yum!

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Wisconsin State Fair Cream Puffs and Other Treats

Wisconsin cream puffs
Wisconsin cream puffs

Dear friends,

Here are 7 Good Things I’ve been exploring recently:

1. I learned from NPR that when attending the Wisconsin State Fair, one must try their signature giant cream puffs. My sister-in-law in Milwaukee confirmed that, indeed, the crispy, fist-sized puffs filled with sweetened whipped cream are legendary. Until we can visit, I’m going to try Shirley’s Copy Cat Wisconsin State Fair Cream Puffs recipe from her delectable Anns-Liee blog.

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